Friday, March 20, 2009

History of Wine

David Pickett
ND 310 Section 04
Ms. Barratt
9 March 2009

History of Wine

What comes to mind when you think of the alcohol beverage wine? When I picture wine, I think of a high class male and female celebrating their anniversary at a fancy restaurant, drinking a purple substance from a clear sparkling glass cup. I guess this image comes to mind because I had my best experience drinking Welch’s grape juice sparkling wine on New Year’s eve, however; it was not a real alcohol beverage. Wine is made by yeast and grape juice, nevertheless; any fruit juice can be used to makes wine. In this paper I plan to share the history behind wine. The topics I intend to discuss are how wine was produce, interesting facts of wine in different countries and how wine has good health benefits.

The first topic about the history of wine is how wine was produce and how it came about. Like I mention before wine is made by yeast and grape juice. Ancient men are responsible for the creation of wine, it was believe to be discover between 3000 and 4000 B.C. in the Fertile Crescent area, which lies between Nile and the Persian Gulf. Minor settlements begin to grow in the cities and trade was developing rapidly throughout the Mediterranean, the grape was a pleasing transport by people like the Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans, however the making of wine began to spread throughout the Mediterranean area and Europe quickly. Historians think that grapes where fermented by accident with the help of wild yeast. Historians also believe that the wild yeast where present when grape skins were being stored. Egypt and Persia where the first to see the birth of fermentation. Before 3000 BC both Egypt and Persia had the winemaking down pat.

The second topic about the history of wine is the interesting facts of wine in different countries. In the United States, California is best famous for its wines. Cali is in charge of 90% of the wine that is disturbed throughout the US. The state of Washington is second behind Cali for wine production and it exports it to other countries. Wine has also grew popular in New York as well, in 2004 over 400 million of NY wine was sold. In Europe, wine that is made signifies the culture who made it. Wine is named after the areas they were created at not by the grapes. For example, if the wine was created at the Biltmore Estate out of white grapes, it would not be called white grape wine, in other words it would be called Biltmore Estates wine.

The final topic about the history of wine is the health benefits behind it. Wine has numerous health benefits like less kidney stones, cuts down on risk for a stroke, and not as big chance for upper digestive tract cancer. Woman who drink wine are more less likely to develop kidney stones then woman who do not drink it. A study was done at Harvard University awhile back on wine that it’s the best fluid to drink to reduce the chances of getting kidney stones or even when you have the kidney stones to cure. Studies have also shown that if a person drinks a glass of wine daily they are at less risk for a stroke in the future, the glass wine helps with cardiovascular health. The final health benefit of wine is that it cut downs the chances of upper digestive tract cancer. Beer however increases the chances of upper digestive tract cancer. So wine makers should have no problem in the future when it comes to marketing their product.

After researching the history behind wine I found out that it is has quite a history. Wine was produce in 3000 BC in the Nile and the Persian Gulf. Distant man were in charge of the creation of wine, which was made by yeast and grape juice. The Mediterranean area and Europe begin to learn how to make wine alone with other countries. Some interesting facts I learned was that California has the biggest production of wine in the United States, that Europe names its wine after the place it was created at. Finally wine creates healthy benefits like fewer kidney stones, it cuts down on risk for a stroke, and not as big of chance for upper digestive tract cancer.



  1. Now I can go to my wine tasting club with peace of mind. I always worry about the increased calories and risk of breast cancer for women. Maybe moderately it is healthful. I can also walk home.

  2. It is interesting to see that wine is only made from yeast and furit juice (correction the two main parts). I always thought it had some form of alcohol in to. Anyways, it is true what they say 'a glass of wine a day will keep the kidney stones away'! Another interesting fact that I learned through being pregnant was that it was okay to have wine, it would help my child develop as long as it was only one glass a day. This is what my doctor told me.

  3. I think the emerging health benefits of wine is very interesting. I think it is good that wine is something that, if drank in moderation can be a healthy thing to do.

  4. I agree. I think it is good to know that it does have health benefits. I have always heard differently!

  5. I didn't know how long wine has been around. I thought it was interesting to learn exactly where wine making began. It makes sense when you think about it, because that area was very plush and fertile.

  6. This was a great report! I knew that wine in moderation was good for your heart but i was not sure of all the other benefits. I heard Biltmore Wine is amazing and i would love to go there and do some Wine tasting.

  7. I was very interested to read the health benefits of drinking wine. Although I don't really drink myself, I've heard many times how wine is supposedly beneficial, but I always wondered what it specifically helped. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I think the way wine is made and produced is so interesting. I have visited some vineyards and I think the whole process is mind boggling...Also, knowing the health benefits makes me feel better about drinking a glass of my favorite wine!

  9. I love learning about and tasting wine. It is so interesting how differently wines from different regions taste. And the health benefits are a plus!

  10. I loved learning about the health benefits of wine. I never knew that it could decrease my chance of getting kidney stones. I found it really interesting that wine can decrease your chance for upper digestive tract cancer but beer can increase your chances.

  11. I always wondered how bottles of wine got their name. So it was interesting to find out that they are named by the place they are made at.

  12. I never knew that California distributed 90% of the wine in the United States.

  13. This was very interesting! I had no idea that drinking a class of wine every day had such health benefits. I also found the section on who distributed the most wine very interesting. I was born in California and I had no idea that they distributed the most wine in the United States. Also, I think its cool that wine is named after the area in which it is created. Thanks for all the information this was very informative!

  14. I loved learning that wine was created accidentally! What a wonderful discovery! I think wine is such a wonderful part of our cultures (even the lack thereof in some places tells us a lot about that culture). I wonder if some places specialize in certain types of wine depending on their foods; for example, do populations who eat more fish than other meats produce more white wine than red?

  15. I had always heard that a glass of wine now and then was good for you, Im glad to hear that that is true! I think it's also cool that wine was an accident! It was also very interesting to see how wine differs and to think about how it differs from place to place and also depending on what we have with it!

  16. I did not know that wine could have any health benefit. It was very interesting to know that california produce 90% of US wine. But what about the quality?

  17. Good article. I have never been much of a wino but from being around the restaurant business most of my life I understand how wine is closely intertwined with food. It also gives you a good buzz but makes you feel like crap the next day.

  18. I didn't know wine was so goo for you (in moderation). It's interesting how simple it is to make wine.

  19. My grandfather makes homemade wine in his basement. it is a very long but intricate process. it was interesting to learn the history behind it.

  20. The Hisory of Wine is a good topic! A nice change up from food. I actually had a work meeting about different types of alcohol at work and wine was one of the categories. There is so much to know about wine. I've always heard a glass of red wine does a body well but now I finially learned what it does more specifically.
